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  • Über 20 Jahre Erfahrung
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  • EU-Maklerspezialisten
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Durch unsere langjährigen Erfahrungswerte können wir die Auswahl an Versicherungsangeboten eingrenzen, um daraus zusammen mit unseren Kunden die passende Lösung zu erarbeiten. Durch den Dialog mit anderen Partnern findet zudem ein stetiger Wissensaustausch statt, der die Qualität unserer Arbeit zusätzlich stärkt.
Wir sind vor allem an einer ehrlichen und persönlichen Beratung interessiert.

Wenn Sie uns kontaktieren, können Sie auf eine faire und offene Meinung zählen. Denn nur dann ist eine langfristige Zusammenarbeit für beide Seiten fruchtbar und sinnvoll.

Auch nach dem Abschluss sind wir für Sie da, unser Team steht Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.


Wir sind Ihr EU-Maklerspezialist.

Seit über 20 Jahren sind wir als konzernunabhängiger Makler allein den Interessen unserer Kunden verpflichtet. Wir arbeiten nicht für ein oder mehrere Versicherungsunternehmen – sondern für SIE. 

Eine unserer wichtigsten Aufgaben ist daher der Überblick über den gesamten Markt. Eine objektive Vergleichssoftware hilft uns bei der Analyse im Tarifdschungel. In der Beratung werden die passenden Produkte u. a. hinsichtlich Qualität, Preis und Service verglichen.

  • 20 Jahre Erfahrung
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  • Seit über 20 Jahren
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  • Erfahrene Partner
  • Individuelle Anpassung

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Zufriedene Kunden sagen uber uns

I was simply called, even though I hadn't registered anywhere or given out my details Read More I was also shown a telephone number from Nuremberg even though the headquarters are in HanoverRead Less

Unfortunately I have to deduct 4 stars from Tutario! The promised service was provided but at a different price than agreed. Read More The employee who processed my request and presented the new contract said right from the start that out of the 1,000 euro commission, "about 500 euros will be refunded"... It was nothing, employees gone, 68 euros refund! When I asked for months where the refund would be, only excuses and "something must have gone wrong". It's a shame, I had other customers and I warned them. If you want to complete something there, be sure to have everything confirmed in writing!Read Less

Very nice and informative advice

I was recently advised and supported by Ms. Nägwitsch. Very professional, reliable and calm. With a very satisfactory result.Many many thanks

Great phone call and very competent advice from Ms. Viola Nägwitsch!

Absolutely professional, factual and very friendly, competent advice. Thank you for quickly processing my request.

Fast, competent and friendly advice! Thank you, thumbs up!!

Very competent, friendly employees who are always there to help and advise you. Highly Recommended.

Ms. Viola Nägwitsch not only gave me competent, but also very friendly advice. In my case, the advice was completely customer-orientedRead More and there was no conclusion for a fee. Very exemplary that a non-binding initial consultation is exactly that. Thank you very much and would be happy to come back at any time.Read Less

Very friendly, competent and free advice on the phone! Tiptop!

Great service, very nice employees who answered my questions in an uncomplicated and very helpful manner.Read More If I need a new KV, I'll definitely get in touch again. Thank you!Read Less

Service like decades ago - TOP. Uncomplicated, always the right solution at hand, trustworthy, unobtrusive.Read More An honest recommendation for anyone looking for real solutions in the area of ​​private health insurance.Read Less

Nice advice,

Top company

If I couldn't give Tutario any stars, I would. I arranged a very expensive contract through Tutario because I was initiallyRead More assured that everything I wanted was included. However, these brokers make very specific word choices that do not match those of insurers. Now some of my treatments are not being covered, as I feared from the start. In addition, there are the thousand other mistakes that occurred during the negotiation (changing the price, ticking and sending the wrong contract, etc...). I thought it was just the one person who was communicating with me, after a few months I know that the whole company was affected. And then I was told that I didn't do things correctly or understand them!!! Complete misinformation.Even though Tutario is very reactive and professional, you have made tons of mistakes. They are not trustworthy and that is probably the least of it when it comes to insurance products.Read Less

I can 100% recommend Tutario from A to Z!!! Top advice, top employees!!! Positive Responsiveness, Quality, Professionalism, Value

Competent consulting. I felt like I was in good hands and all my questions were answered. Now insured again! Only recommended.

Changing health insurance went well. Great service - I felt well advised.

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